Making the Decision

Is homeschooling a good choice? Yes. We’ve seen that home education can provide families with everything they need to extend their natural role of parents to their children’s education. The question of whether homeschooling is a good  choice for a particular child or family is another issue, and one that only you can answer. We will offer questions and ideas to guide you toward a decision. If you decide to homeschool, you’ll also get some suggestions for getting started.

And if you decide not to homeschool after all? Give yourself a pat on the back for thinking the matter through carefully and making the best decision for you and your child! You may reconsider homeschooling at some point in the future. Even if you never homeschool, understanding what the homeschooling choice is really like will enrich your understanding of education and family life.

 Decision Making Process

Now that you're aware of the  history, laws, testings, different types of homeschoolers and future policies of our government (See Appendix A), what’s next?

I would suggest doing three things first:

  • Seek guidance : Researching about homeschooling more by reading a variety of materials on homeschooling, asking those currently homeschooling specific questions, doing immersion in one of their homeschool days, and praying. 
  • Decide: Make all these information personal. Are you willing to start? Do you want to homeschool, now that you know the facts? If so, make a decision to do it. Commit yourself to homeschool for at least a year. It is not beneficial to you or your child to be indecisive about this.
  • Plan:  Select a method that will best fit you, your child and your family (see the Chapter 10: Curriculum Isn’t Something You Buy). Consider finances, personalities, ages, strengths, and weaknesses. Decide what type of homeschooler you are. Independent or under a Homeschool Provider?

10 Questions You Need To Ask Before You Start Homeschooling

Lets Talk:

There is no need to rush into a decision or to feel pressured to choose one way or another. Take your time. You will know what is right for you. Let’s consider the practical stages and questions as part of your planning stage.

Question 1: Did you agree with your spouse to homeschool your children?

Homeschooling is not an easy task. There’s power in agreement. You cannot do this alone. Make sure you don’t skip this. Talk to your husband about everything.

Question 2: Why do you want to homeschool?

Make a list of what you hope to gain from homeschooling. How do you imagine your days will be like? What learning needs can homeschooling meet? What specific concerns do you expect homeschooling to solve?

To help you with these questions, here are just few of the reasons why families choose  homeschooling:

  • Can give you a better education at home
  • Religious reasons
  • Poor learning environment at school
  • Family-related reasons
  • To develop character/morality
  • Object to what school teaches
  • Child has special needs

Some of these reasons may be yours as well, or you may have very different reasons. But if your reasons are not on the lists, that doesn’t mean it’s not a good reason to homeschool.

Question 3: Are you now familiar with the Philippine laws, facts, testings, homeschool providers, and future policies?

 We need to know the DepEd K-12 learning competencies. It covers subjects and curriculum according to grade level. For more details please check  ( or Appendix A of this book )

  • Qualifications of parents to teach (as of now, DepEd says at least one of the parents is a college graduate, but future policies is still in progress regarding this issue.)
  • Testing and assessment requirements ( Appendix A)
  • Contact and research homeschool providers that are accredited by DepEd. But if you have chosen to be Independent Homeschooler, there is no need to do this.

Question 4: What concerns or fears do you have about homeschooling?

Homeschooling can be a scary idea for most people! Almost every homeschooler had to wrestle with fears and concerns at the beginning (I know I did!):

  • Do I know enough to teach my kids?
  • What if my child won’t respect me as a teacher?
  • What will my neighbors, parents, or friends say?
  • Will my child be able to go to college?
  • Will we drive each other crazy cooped up here all day?
  • What if homeschooling turns out to be a mistake?

Don’t ignore these fears and hope they go away. Share them with members of your family or talk to other homeschoolers. If any of these fears continue to linger after you’ve talked them through, give it some careful thought as to whether your concern is large enough, at least for the time being, that you do not want to homeschool. If you can articulate clear and specific reasons for not homeschooling, your decision will be much easier than if your decision is based only on vague doubts.

Question 5: What do your children think about homeschooling?

Ask them, then listen. While the decision to homeschool and the responsibility for the child’s education is ultimately the parent’s, the child’s opinion should also matter.

Whether your child is the one who wants to homeschool and you’re unsure or maybe you are more amenable and your child is hesitant, spend some time talking about what he or she expects homeschooling to be like. Ask about his or her concerns.

Often, we assume we know what our children think, but when we sit down and really talk about issues that are important, we gain an entirely new understanding.

If you have a homeschooler family friend. Ask if you or your child can have a homeschool shadow day. It simply means following the person you hope to learn from. In my son’s school the “shadow” goes to every activity to get a better idea of what life in that school is like.

It’s easier and more pleasant if children can feel they are a part of the decision-making process and feel they have a say in reaching a compromise. If you decide you want to homeschool and your child is firmly against it, you might suggest a trial period, or you can work with your child to create a homeschooling experience that addresses some of his or her objections.


Question 6: What are your child’s social and emotional needs?

  • Is my child introverted or extroverted?
  • Does my child like to have few friends or many friends?
  • What group activities in my area are available for homeschoolers?
  • Does my child enjoy being alone?
  • Does my child get enough sleep? If not how does this affect his or her learning relationships?
  • What is my child’s biological clock?

Question 7: Do you have financial homeschooling plan?

How will the decision to homeschool affect your budget? Before homeschooling, it’s good to have an idea of what you are able and willing to spend on homeschooling costs.  

Question 8: Have you found your preferred Homeschool Support Groups?

Homeschool support and advocacy groups range from informal groups of parents who get together mainly for conversation and playtime to well-organized institutions with board members and many structured activities. Some groups are faith-based homeschooling, others are secular homeschooling; with other groups you’ll need to ask to learn more. Some groups are mainly for young children or teens or homeschoolers with special needs.

If you are turned off by the first support group you visit or if their values or reasons for homeschooling differ greatly from yours, look around to see if another group would meet your needs better. You can even start your own group with a few like-minded families.

For more help please join Philippine Homeschool Association in Facebook (Community discussion closed group and Facebook page), where you will find learnings and live workshops.

Question 9: Have you already attended a homeschooling conference/workshop/training?

It’s good to attend these so you can have a better picture of the homeschooling community. They offer sessions and workshops for new and veteran homeschoolers, including a book or curriculum fair. They may bring keynote speakers, while others rely on parents to talk and conduct workshops.

By attending a homeschool conference, you can learn more about different ways to learn at home, browse at the book fair, and meet other homeschool families.

Question 10: How long do you plan to homeschool ?

A few parents know from the moment their children are born, or even before, that they want to homeschool and they will probably homeschool all the way through high school.  Then there are the rest of us. Homeschooling takes us by surprise, and before we know it, the years add up, and somehow we are veteran homeschoolers.

If you know you want to try homeschooling but are unsure if you can homeschool “forever,” rest assured that homeschooling is not a permanent  contract. I know families who homeschooled for one year, three years, even one semester and came away feeling their experience was a success and that it gave them what they needed at that time. Knowing that you can always reassess your decision at the end of the term or year may take some pressure  off you or your child.

Now let me ask this question.

Do you want to Homeschool? 

Answer this question honestly. 

In my opinion, desire is by far the biggest factor in deciding whether to homeschool. With desire, just about any obstacle can be overcome. If someone does not really want to homeschool, then I would not recommend it.

Do you want to homeschool? If your answer is no, especially if your spouse or your children also do not want to homeschool, then you will probably have a difficult time making homeschooling a pleasant experience. 

Do you want to homeschool? Or does someone else want you to homeschool? The decision should be yours. If you’re willing to give it a try but are unsure, be clear about this rather than pretend you want something you don’t.

Do you want to homeschool? Not “do you think you can?” or “do you feel ready?” or “do you think you should?” The question is “do you want to?” If your answer is yes, and if you are a capable and competent parent, then you almost certainly can homeschool. Take a deep breath, and let’s begin.

Each of these stages is essential in the process of creating an educational program to implement at home. Do what you set out to do. The first year is the most difficult, especially if you are removing a child from a school situation, since you and your child are not only changing lifestyles and ways of learning, you are also changing how you think about education. Being prepared for this can make it easier. As in any endeavor, perseverance is rewarded. Prepare to be flexible, positive, and committed, and you won’t regret it.

Getting Started

Congratulations! You’ve made the decision. You are ready to homeschool.

10 Practical Philippine Homeschooling Checklist:

  1. Be acquainted with the Philippine requirements regarding homeschool.
  2. Decide what kind of homeschooler you want to be. Independent or with a Homeschool Provider?
  3. If you choose to be with a Homeschool Provider, find or research an HP that is accredited by DepEd.
  4. Identify your learning style and your child’s learning style.  Part of this trying to do a “shadowing day” with a homeschool family to see their routine and the big picture of how a homeschool day can look like. 
  5. Decide if you like an open curriculum set up  or required curriculum of the Homeschool provider. 
  6. Study and decide what kind of method or approach.
  7. Learn homeschool resources. You may also check out other blogs about Filipino  homeschool blogs.
  8. Find a support group that fits your values. For starters please join 


  1. Attend orientations, workshops, conferences that pertains to homeschooling learning.
  2. Pray.

 Homeschool Terminology in the Philippines

Here are some terms and definitions that will help you make sense of this new lingo in our country. Actually, there’s a lot of terms but, I just chose what is commonly used in our set up.

  • Accreditation - To provide or send with credentials; designate officially: to accredit an envoy to certify a school as meeting all formal official requirements of academic excellence, curriculum, facilities, etc. for homeschooling in the Philippines its important when you want to track the level of your child and when your child enrolls in a regular school or college in the Philippines. The accomplishments are officially credited when you have documents, such as but not limited to transcript of records, in compliance with Department of Education (DepEd) requirements. A Homeschool Provider helps you get accreditation for your children’s homeschooling. Your child’s accomplishments are officially credited and they released transcripts to their students, in compliance with Department of Education (DepEd) accreditation requirements. These records are needed when your child enrolls in a regular school or college.
  • Association - Homeschool associations are not government-run nor are they organized by or directly connected to the government department of education. Instead, they are privately organized groups that work closely to ensure that the needs of homeschoolers are heard and met from a legal standpoint.
  • Charlotte Mason - She was a 19th-century educator who advocated developing the soul and spirit of a child. The belief that children learn best from first-hand, real-life situations is central to this literature-based method. The Charlotte Mason method uses short lessons, encourages the reading of “whole books” and emphasizes skills such as narration and copywork. (For further study, please read Chapter 10: Curriculum Isn’t Something You Buy.)
  • Classical Education- An approach to homeschooling which includes reading great works of literature and studying rhetoric and logic. The classical approach is based on the Trivium, a method of teaching children according to the phases of a child’s cognitive development, called concrete, analytical, and abstract. Classical education is primarily language-focused and literature intensive. (For further study, please read Chapter 10: Curriculum Isn’t Something You Buy.)
  • Co-Op (Cooperative) - It is a group of homeschool families that meet for various purposes. Co-Ops may run the gamut from meeting only occasionally for events like field trips to structured classes. In some areas, it may be referred to as an association or support group while in others the term Co-Op is reserved for the more organized class setup. Either way, the key is that teaching is performed by the parents in cooperation with one another.
  • Closed Curriculum - (Also known as Box/Required Curriculum) The opposite of (OP) Open Curriculum. It means you need to abide by the required books, materials, and resources of your chosen Homeschool Provider.
  • Curriculum - The materials used for a course, which can include a textbook, a teacher and grading guide, lesson plans, tests, and worksheets. In an online curriculum, some of these elements can be integrated and automated.
  • De-schooling – Refers to the period of time, also called decompression, when student (and family) adjusts after leaving a traditional school setting. This period can range from a few weeks to an entire year, depending upon the student’s needs. This time will give the child an opportunity to replace school culture with homeschool.
  • Eclectic homeschoolers - Use a variety of approaches and curriculum, choosing whatever works best for their family and each individual child. An eclectic homeschooler might use curriculum from one publisher for one subject, and curriculum from another for a different subject, or even use various curricula for each subject from different publishers for each child. (For further study, please read Chapter 10: Curriculum Isn’t Something You Buy.)
  • Enrichment - Like Co-Ops, enrichment programs offer classes to help homeschool parents provide electives and other extracurricular subjects that helps a homeschooler to strengthen their main subjects. Unlike co-ops, enrichment programs do not require parents to cooperatively teach classes. Instead, classes are taught by teachers skilled in certain subjects or skills.
  • Homeschool - Can be called Home Education, Home Study, Alternative Learning System (ALS), Flexible Learning System, Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Homeschooling, Home Learning, and Home-Based Learning. It is an alternative learning method in which the parents take primary responsibility as teachers. The primary learning environment is at home. There are many different methods or styles. It is considered legal in the Philippines and is now recognized by the Department of Education (DepEd).
  • Homeschool Provider - Also known as Umbrella School, this is an organization that keeps and provides records or transcripts of its students. This is commonly in compliance with accreditation requirements (of DepEd, in our case in the Philippines). These documents are needed for a smooth transition into the conventional school system when they need to. It’s an alternative education (private) school that oversees the homeschooling of children to fulfill government requirements. Some umbrella schools/homeschool providers cater a complete curriculum, some make suggestions, and some allow parents complete control over curriculum choices. Students in this arrangement are considered to be enrolled in the umbrella school even though they are educated at home.
  • Homeschool Support Group (HSG or SG) – Also known as a Homeschool Group, this is a group of homeschoolers who interact on a regular basis for the purpose of networking, sharing resources and energy, providing opportunities for socialization and co-teaching. Some support groups are virtual (i.e., internet-based), but the majority have physical locations and meetings.
  • Independent Homeschoolers - Those who choose not to enroll with a homeschool provider (one based in the Philippines), or be affiliated with a local school and accredited by DepEd. Some are connected with foreign homeschool providers, usually based in the U.S. Most of the time they use DepEd’s guide for the things the children needs to learn. Some make their own curriculum based on the interest of their children. They manage and keep the records, if any, of their kids. When they decide to enter traditional school in the Philippines, they may take assessments offer by DepEd like PEPT.
  • Lapbook - Is a portfolio created from one or more file folders and several printed mini-books. Lapbooking is an approach to education that uses lapbooks as the teaching method.
  • Learning Methods – Also known as Learning Approach, focuses on the way a person best takes in and processes information. There are many theories that look at the way a person learns best.
  • Learning Styles – Learning styles describe the various ways student prefer to learn. Common learning styles are learning dispositions, strength, weaknesses, visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.
  • Living books - Books that bring learning to life through powerful story or vivid description. Living books can be both fiction and nonfiction. Usually used under (CM) Charlotte Mason Method.
  • Manipulatives - Is a term used to describe objects that are manipulated by learners in order to create a hands-on learning experience and make concepts easier to understand. The term is most often used in mathematics, but manipulatives are also available for other subjects, such as reading and science.
  • Montessori - Maria Montessori designed this method of education in which students learn through self-directed activity, hands-on learning, and collaborative play. Teachers function as guides in the educational process. There is an emphasis on quality, child-sized tools, and educational aids.
  • Multiple Intelligences – According to Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, there are eight different intelligences that shape the way a person interacts with information. These include: linguistic or “word smarts,” logical/mathematical or “math smarts,” bodily/kinesthetic or “movement smarts”, visual/spatial or “picture smarts”, musical or “music smarts”, interpersonal or “people smarts”, intrapersonal or “self smarts”, and naturalist or “nature smarts.”
  • Multi-level Curriculum - Also known as bi-level curriculum. Some curriculums focus on a single grade at a time, and you can only teach multiple children if they are all in the same grade range. A multi-level curriculum, on the other hand, allows parents to combine children of multiple ages, teaching them together. Typically, subjects like math and language arts must still be taught separately, but history, science, Bible, and fine arts are structured to allow children to be combined for general reading time. Specific assignments are tailored toward general age ranges to allow different levels of challenge for different ages.
  • Narration - Is an educational method in which children orally summarize a portion of text that they have read or that has been read to them. Usually used under (CM) Charlotte Mason Method.
  • Notebooking - Similar to lapbooking, notebooking is an education approach that uses either a spiral notebook or pre-printed notebooking pages as a means to record what is being learned.
  • Open Curriculum - You can freely choose whatever curriculum, materials, resources that fits your homeschool learning. Not the homeschool provider.
  • Portfolio – An accumulation of materials that demonstrate your child’s learning. Some items included are: logs (reading, attendance), assignments (samples from each subject demonstrated throughout the year), awards, certificates of participation, list of materials used (textbooks, websites, computer programs, resource books, etc), pictures of projects and field trips, writing samples (composition and penmanship), and other items that you feel represent your child’s education. Portfolios can be online, in file boxes, in three-ring binders (the most common), or otherwise. But, the key is organization. This is an ongoing process that your child should take part (and pride) in from the beginning.
  • Relaxed homeschooling – Relaxed homeschooling is a similar term to Unschooling but are those who take more of a blended approach.
  • Secular homeschooling- Uses curriculum and methods that are not based on a specific religious worldview. A secular homeschool family educates at home for non-religious reasons, such as a better education.
  • Scope and Sequence - Is the list of ideas, concepts, and topics that will be covered. A scope and sequence can cover one subject for one or more years, several subjects for one year, or multiple subjects over many years.
  • Spiral Learning approach- Is a learning approach in which a topic or skill is touched on several times over several years, with greater detail covered each succeeding year.
  • Socialization - A frequent topic in homeschooling. Many homeschoolers are criticized as not providing appropriate socialization similar to that found in a traditional school. As homeschoolers point out, traditional school’s artificial grouping by age, grade, and ability-level, is a dysfunctional and unrealistic situation compared to the socialization of children within a family and more natural social groupings.
  • Supplemental Resources – These are educational materials, field trips, and projects that are used to enhance the learning experience.
  • Textbooks – are just one part of a package of resource materials that includes: a scope and sequence, an educators’ manual with teaching strategies, a student book with content explanations and examples, and a practice workbook. These packages usually offer a re-teach (remediation) workbook or an enrichment workbook that focuses on higher level critical thinking skills.
  • Traditional Schooling – A term used by homeschoolers to refer to students who attend public, private, or parochial schools.
  • Tutorials - are very similar to enrichment programs in that they offer classes or a certain subject to homeschoolers and are taught by teachers skilled in those classes/subject. Unlike enrichment programs, however, tutorials typically cover core courses such as language arts, math, history, and science. It is usually done one to one with the student.
  • Unschooling – Sometimes called “child-led learning,” “natural learning,” and “interest-led learning”. It is student-directed, rather than teacher-directed. Textbooks, tests, and strict schedules are generally avoided. Unschoolers are encouraged to follow their personal interests.
  • Unit studies - A cross-curricular educational approach in which learning is focused around a central, common theme. For instance, a unit study on trains would teach the development and use of early trains (history), train routes (geography), different engine types (science), train-based literature (language arts), and so on. Unit studies allow children of different ages to study the same unit together but in different levels of detail.



Choose What’s Best for your Family

“I don’t homeschool because it’s easy. I homeschool, because it’s the best option for my family.”-Unknown

“Each day is a day of decisions. When it comes to making decisions, don’t just flip a coin. Always ask yourself where will this decision lead? Then choose accordingly.”-Unknown

Accreditation choice has been one of the major issues of homeschoolers in the Philippines. All the confusion as to whether to accredit or not, and where--a Homeschool Provider or independent? But whatever your choice, I just I want to encourage you not to be entangled with “accreditation fear.” In doing this process, always make sure to make a choice that is best for your family, not based on what others are doing. You can’t compare yourselves to other families. When you decide, be secure with what you decide to do. Everything is a learning process. 

Now, if you should decide to be under a Homeschool Provider, here are some things you need to consider and ask when you inquire before choosing a Homeschool Provider.

Below is the list of DepEd-accredited homeschool providers (as of 2018):

I have included the two most popular U.S. accreditation online for Filipinos and OFWs. 

I didn’t include all public providers that offers Home study/Open High School and some private schools. I only choose the most popular ones for Filipino homeschoolers nowadays.


Check out which one best fits your family (in alphabetical order):

Angelicum College (Home Study Program)-  has adopted the Department of Education-NCR HSP in 1996, extending education to youth and adults who cannot be physically present in learning environments, which also include cases of those suffering chronic illnesses, those who are employed, or are already married, and even those who have exceeded the normal schooling age but need to complete their secondary education.

    HSP allows learners to study at home at their own time and pace while tests for validation of their skills and mastery are provided in the presence of actual monitors.

    A learner may accelerate his or her learning process and complete all levels within two years, thus reducing time and cost.

    Angelicum College, recognized for its unique system of education, commits itself in producing excellent leaders, shaped in a non-graded system of learning that nurtures their uniqueness. It is the only Catholic institution in the Philippines that is self-paced and non-graded, challenging the landscape of the Philippine educational system.

    Grade level offered: Grade 1 to Grade 10 only

    Synchronous e-Learning

    A real time learning approach with the subject learning facilitator.

    Blended Learning Approach

    Integrates learning experiences in online and face-to-face environments (interaction with subject learning facilitators).

    Preliminary Intensive Individualized Instruction Program

    Designed for learners with learning and behavioral difficulties. It serves as a transient to acquire the necessary skills essential for learning through the regular Home Study Program.

    Hands-on Classes (Speech, Computer, Physical  Education & Health, Music, TLE and Science Laboratory)

    Scheduled hands-on classes for three consecutive Saturdays provide interaction, cooperative learning, practice and more in-depth study of each subject.

    Enrollment Duration: Enrollment starts anytime and ends in ten months, or earlier, depending on the learner’s pace. He or she may then enroll for the next level and begin another curriculum year as soon as lessons are mastered.

    School Calendar: Regular Academic Program follows the June to March as per DepEd. 

    Curriculum: K to 12 modules with enhancement. Not open curriculum but school-led required learning resources.

    Assessment type: Written Works, Performance-based assessments and Quarterly Exams as prescribed by DepEd.

    MAPE Classes:

    Home Study fee - Ranges from P56,000 to 70,000 learning resources not included.

    Trainings: Orientation

    Requirements: 2 clear photocopies of NSO/PSA Birth Certificate, 2 clear photocopies of Baptismal Certificate (if Catholic), 2 clear photocopies of Certificate of Good Moral Character, 2 certified true-copies of the current F138/Report Card, 2 recent 2x2 ID photos and Fully-accomplished UST-Angelicum College Medical Clearance Form/Report (downloadable from their website)

    CONTACT Numbers: 712-1745/412-5862, 

    Address: 112 M.J. Cuenco St. Sta. Mesa Heights Quezon City, Philippines


    CAL (California Academy) International

      Grade level offered: Nursery - Grade 10

      Enrollment Duration: March to June

      School Calendar: Regular Academic Program follows the June to March as per DepEd. 

      Curriculum:Open Curriculum Deped K-12

      Assessment type: Yearly Written test

      MAPE Classes: None

      Homeschool fee: ranges from P22,000 to 27,000 - It depends if you pay in full, quarterly, or monthly payment without learning resources.

      Trainings - Orientation

      Requirements: Diagnostic tests is required, NSO Birth Certificate, P5,000 down payment/registration and Form 138

      Contact: Look for Stephanie, tel no. 655-9121

      Address: Inday Subdivision Barangay San Jose Antipolo, Rizal





         13 years of offering Catholic Homeschooling program in the Philippines founded by renowned speaker, preacher and author, Bo Sanchez and a team of homeschooling moms.

        Grade level offered: Preschool to Grade 12

        • For Grade 11 to 12 - Course offering ABA - Accounting Business Management and STEM

        Enrollment Duration: March to July

        School Calendar: Regular Academic Program follows the June to March as per DepEd. 

        Curriculum: Open curriculum for Grade School but not for Grade 7 to Grade 12. It means CFA has recommended books but parents are free to choose books and materials of their choice as long as it follows the DepEd’s K to 12 Basic Learning Competencies for Preschool to Grade 6.

        For Grade 7 to Grade 12, it is required to purchase from CFA local textbooks published by different publishers in the country.

        *Specialized Program is open year round.

        Assessment type: Preschool - A year-end evaluation is given at the end of the school year. A portfolio review is done every quarter.

        Grade School (Grades 1-6): Quizzes and Mastery Tests (Written Work) are provided by CFA and to be administered by the homeschooling parents every quarter. A Year-End Evaluation is also given at the end of every school year.

        Junior High School (Grades 7-10): Written Works, Performance-based assessments and Quarterly Exams as prescribed by DepEd.

        Senior High School (Grade 11-12) - Quizzes, exams, and performance tasks like videos, posters, essays, are required for each quarter. Four Semester tests. Students take the exams and quizzes online and submit online the written works or exercises found in textbooks and performance tasks designed by subject teachers.

        MAPE Classes:They don’t offer MAPE classes but have Clubs every Friday. Offering Orchestra, Matinik, Ballet and Karate. These clubs have also fees.

        Homeschool fee: ranges from P25,000 to P41,700 depending if you will choose a full or quarterly payment. *Books are not included

        Trainings: They offer Home Discovery Time Seminar

        Requirements: NSO Birth Certificate, Baptismal Certificate, Good moral Character, Form 137, Marriage Contract. Parent College diploma for parents who will teach Grade 4 and above.

        Address: Obispado de Cubao, 41 Lantana Street, Cubao, Quezon City. 

        Contact number: 721-1088

        WEBSITE: and


        Maan Pascual 

        Homeschooling for one year

        Child: 11 years old

        Why did you choose CFA? Since we are practicing Catholics, we chose CFA to be our provider. Before my son started to homeschool, he was enrolled in a Catholic school and we thought of embracing our son’s education through homeschooling, and so we came up to considering and looking for a provider who can help us and guide in the same spiritual journey as we educate our son. From a year of experience, the support group that we had at CFA helped me to acknowledge and celebrate the challenges and victories in our homeschooling journey, knowing that God’s graces is always at hand. The spiritual formation and support from our provider was a big help for us, as we are directed to our real purpose of homeschooling our son, which is to bring out the best in him, to build his character and be a blessing so that other may see Jesus in him.


        Chosen Homeschool homeschool provider, under the umbrella of our Church Ministry. We have partnered with a deped accredited school - Casa De Libro.

        Our purpose is to make homeschooling accessible and affordable. We believe that our Home is the 1st school and us, parents are our kids' best teacher.

        We promote intentional parenting BUT we don’t want to stress both the parents and child. Hence we are promoting open curriculum.

        Also, all funds from our homeschool enrollees go to the scholarship fund of our chosen foundation.

        Check it out

            * Open Curriculum 

         Open Curriculum means that the parent/facilitator determines the books and topics covered including the amount of time spent on each subject to engage the student's learning process, enabling them to improve, broaden competence.

            * Recipient SCHOOL - Casa De Libro Inc. - School Number 424609

            * 5 major subjects as per deped requirement for elementary. 

            * Depending on the child's passion, career path, interest or Talent - we can provide supplementary materials.

            * Supplementary materials are available with our partners like STPH (Sulit Tipid at Pinoy Homeschooling) and Focus Learning Materials (For Pre-K).

            * A budget plan/lesson plan will be provided quarterly. 

            * No portfolios. 

            * No monthly exams.

            * Parents will provide the grades for 1st-3rd quarter. 

            * A final exam is given by Chosen Homeschool

            * Quarterly assessments will be provided to verify the milestone of the child.

            * Trainings/workshops are available either via webinars, videos or in our physical location.

            * Books are not required UNLESS Parents will request

            * We will also assign a specific adviser per child. 

            * PDF materials are also available. 

        Nursery to Kinder2   Php10,000.00

                      Downpayment:  Php2,000.00

                           Quarterly: Php2,000.00

                           Semi-Annual: Php4,000.00 


         Grade 1 to Grade 6   Php15,000.00

                      Downpayment: Php3,000.00

                            Quarterly: Php3,000.00

                            Semi-Annual: Php6,000.00

        Once you have decided, just fill out this form:

        We just need the scanned docs of the following:

        1. Birth Cert 
        2. 2x2 Photo
        3. Form 137
        4. Good moral 

        Colegio De San Juan De Letran

          Grade level offered: Grade 7 to Grade 10

          Enrollment Duration: March to June

          School Calendar: Regular Academic Program follows the June to March as per Deped. 

          Curriculum: Customized Curriculum

          Assessment type: Testing based on the customized curriculum offered

          MAPE Classes:  they can offer depending on the level

          Home Study fee: ranges from P44,187.66-46,974.92

          Examination fee: P500

          Trainings: Orientation

          Requirements: Please check website for requirements

          Contact Numbers: 527-7693/97



          Gopala Learning Haven (Gopala Play Center)

            Started in 2008. It  offers a flexible and personalized homeschooling experience. Open to all types of homeschoolers, whether you wish to be independent or with a Deped-accredited curriculum.

            Assists independently-homeschooling families who wish to take DepEd exams like ALS and PEPT.

            Grade level offered: Kinder to Grade 12

            Enrollment Duration: Open enrollment all year round

            School Calendar: Regular Academic Program follows the June to March as per Deped. 

            Curriculum: Open Curriculum that confide with DepEd K-12 Competencies/ Can Also do Mix/offers General Academics/ABA Strand for Senior High School

            Assessment type: Diagnostic Test and Year End Evaluation

            MAPE Classes - Offers interest-led learning- once a week. Offers HELE, Outdoor/Camping and other activities to give homeschoolers a well-rounded experience alongside their whole family

            Homeschool fee: Starts from P20,000. If installment, P25,000 all in without books.

            Trainings: Offers workshops and seminars

            Requirements: Form 138, NSO Birth Certificate, Interview

            Contact Numbers: office at #70 M.H. del Pilar St., Silang, Cavite, 

             Cell Phone number: call 0906-3773357


            VOICE OF A HOMESCHOOLER (for Gopala)

            Nyra Cand Reyes 

            Kids: Godric (Grade 4) and Stacie (9 year old with special needs)

            Homeschooling since 2017

            Why did you choose Gopala?

            When my second child was diagnosed with autism I already told myself to look for a homeschool provider.Two years ago, I inquired at numerous providers and was discouraged by the journey to find the right one. So I brush off the idea to homeschool my kids and continue to avail the SPED center non-graded for my daughter. Then a local independent homeschooling family for about  five years here in Dipolog City thru Dra. Jade Marinas told me to check with Gopala and another provider. I inquired to both of the homeschool providers and I find it quite expensive with the other provider at P35,000 per year that’s why I choose Gopala because the yearly tuition fee is quite affordable for a typical Filipino Family. When I met Teacher Laksmi Maluya, she told me that once enrolled with Gopala we are enrolled through our partner school who will handle our deped records and yearly accreditation. I also like the idea of having Gopala as our homeschool provider because Teacher Laksmi guided us to have an Interest-Led Based Learning for our kids that we do through monthly projects and portfolios. I was encouraged to put up a local Homeschool Hub which I spearheaded so that Dipolog Homeschoolers Community will have a common place to come together for socialization and monthly events celebration like Nutrition Month, Linggo ng Wika, United Nations Month, Family Day ,Christmas Festival, and Recognition Day.


            Harvest of Wisdom Montessori School, Inc. 

            Address: Mayflower St. cor. Irish St. Phase 5 Greenland Exec. Vill. Cainta, Rizal

            Contact number: (02) 7 213- 1800/ 0917-3188226

            Website: FB Page Harvest of Wisdom Montessori School, Inc.

            How many years of operation: 12 years 

            Grade level offered: K- 6

            Enrollment Duration: April to July

            School Calendar: June- March


            Open Curriculum aligned to Deped Learning Competencies. Harvest of Wisdom Home Education Program also encourages the use of the school’s textbooks and curriculum as Quarterly Assessment will be provided by the school. We also offer SPED homeschoolers.

            Assessment Type: CEM, Formative and Summative

            Homeschool Accreditation Fee: P 12,000

            Requirements needed to enroll: Birth Certificate (PSA Copy) and Previous School Record

            Contact number: (02) 7 213- 1800/ 0917-3188226


            Voice of a Homeschooler

            Magtoto Giants Homeschooling for more than a decade

            We are happy with our experience with Harvest of Wisdom Homeducation. The principal is easy to talk with and she just makes sure that we all comply with the standards of Cainta Rizal DepEd. Most of our needs and communications are done effectively through our Homeschool Coordinator. Their tuition fee is also reasonably priced.



            Headway School for Giftedness

            Address: 130 Matahimik St. UP Village Diliman Quezon City

            Contact number : 9219174/4267739 Cellphone 09324324387

            Website :

            How many years of operation:

            Grade level offered

            Enrollment Duration

            School Calendar


            Assessment type:

            Homeschool accreditation fee

            Requirements  needed to enroll


            Home Life Academy

              They serve families outside the US who have a desire to homeschool their children. US Accreditation.

              HLA offers international families, whether foreign nationals, military families or missionaries, the same level of service as families living in the States. This comes with peace of mind knowing the family’s records are safe. They provide the service, counseling, and documents that international families need to submit while homeschooling abroad.

              Grade level offered: Kinder to Grade 12

              Enrollment Duration: By August 1 annually or by the time school begins in your area.

              School Calendar: It adjust to whatever time your homeschool begins

              Curriculum: Open Curriculum  and they have Education Plan choices you can choose from.

              Assessment type - Report grades and attendance twice a year in Applecore. (January 15 and June 15)

              MAPE Classes: None

              Homeschool fee: ranging from $135 dollars to $185 dollars depending on the grade level

              Trainings: Online Support Group

              Requirements:Parents must have internet service and their own valid email address that is checked regularly.

              Re-enroll annually by August 1 or by the time school begins in your area.

              Report grades and attendance twice a year in Applecore. (January 15 and June 15),

              Enter an Education Plan in Applecore for upcoming school year by August 1.

              Parents/guardians must have at least a high school diploma or GED*.

              WEBSITE :

              VOICE OF A HOMESCHOOLER (for Home Life Academy)

              Tina Rodriguez a Filipino homeschool blogger, 

              6 years of homeschooling with kids ages 11 , 8 , 4 , 2, and one due to be born late 2018.


              Why did you choose HLA?

               “We are happy with HLA so far. Their staff are very helpful whenever we have questions or need clarifications. Enrolling with them is easy -- everything's done online, including submission of grades. They also allow you to change your curriculum anytime. According to their co-founder, they can also send out transcripts as needed.

              The benefits for our family (I'm guessing that each family enrolled with them has their own list):

              - Ease of enrollment
              - Budget-friendly for our growing family
              - Responsive staff who can also give guidance with curriculum if needed
              - Our kids have records/transcripts if they will need them in the future
              - No pressure of quarterly submissions or portfolios (important to me as a working mom); grades are submitted online twice a year
              - They say they even accept unschooling families (we are not radical unschoolers but sometimes we do unschool certain subjects, especially when life situations call for it)

              For this current school year (2017-2018), we paid USD 178.50 for the tuition fees of two kids (Grades 5 and 2).

              For the next school year, we availed of the discount they offered (they have certain discount periods within the school year and usually advise families via email and their FB page). So we paid only USD 128.00 for two kids.

              As a general rule, I never recommend this or that provider over other providers to other homeschoolers because I always tell them that what works for me and our family may or may not work for them. It really depends on your needs, goals, and lifestyle as a family. There are some families who might feel "unsafe" enrolling in a foreign provider like HLA, and prefer to go the local DepEd-accredited provider route, and that's completely OK. There are some families who may prefer the flexibility and freedom (and budget-friendly rates, ha, ha!) that providers like HLA can give, and that's OK too.


              Homeschool of Asia Pacific (HAP)

                Aims to help Filipino families have a happier life by offering stress-free, student-paced, simple homeschool programs for preschoolers, primary school ,and high school. This K12 distance learning programs are open to all Filipino students in the Philippines and anywhere in the world. HAP programs are open to all religion.

                Grade level Offered: (Local Accreditation) Kinder to Grade 6 only and (U.S. Accreditation) Kinder to Grade 12

                Enrollment Duration: All year round

                School Calendar: They are flexible. You can follow DepEd calendar or your own pace calendar

                Curriculum: Customized Curriculum

                Assessment Type: Included in the curriculum

                MAPE classes: They offer music and arts included in the fee

                Homeschool fee: (Local) Kinder to Grade 6, P75,000 with books and (U.S.) Kinder to Grade 12, P55,000 including books 

                Trainings: None


                Address: Richville Corporate Tower Madrigal Business Center 

                1780 Muntinlupa City

                Landline: 809-4742


                Homeschool Global (HG) is a partnership of two home education providers VCIS Home Study and TMA Homeschool. HG recommends several options for learning tracks, curriculum and books to use.


                Touch: Open curriculum as parents are also given the option to explore other materials that will be fit to the students. (Pre K- until Grade 12)

                Tech: Boxed and online curriculum. This is the VCIS Homestudy part and uses BJU (Bob Jones University) Press materials. Blended Curriculum with instructional Supplements ( Pre K until Grade 10)

                Tech: AOP - online curriculum from Alpha Omega Publications (Grade 3 until Grade 12)

                Explore: New service open to homeschoolers from other providers, independents and students from conventional schools can design their own learning allowing them to experience a taste of homeschooling.

                Enrollment Schedule:

                March, June, and September

                Homeschool Fee:

                 ranging from Php 20,000/ family and up it varies depending Curriculum type, Grade level or added US accreditation of choice.

                The fee is exclusive of books and learning materials. This service includes a learning adviser support, implements portfolio review system, learn group activities and high schoool guidance.


                HG offers online diagnostic tests for incoming grades 1 to highschool. For HG students, they have quarterly portfolio reviews conducted by an Academic/Family adviser to check on the child’s performance.



                Contact Number: 234-0432 | E-mail:

                Address:2nd Floor Ayala Malls The 30th, Meralco Avenue, Barangay Ugong, Pasig City, Philippines 1604

                Read more about our personal homeschool experience with Homeschool Global.

                 VOICES OF A HOMESCHOOLER  (for VCIS)

                Acel Van Ommen


                Kids: Tashi (Grade 4), Yeshi (Grade 1), and Tenzi

                5 years homeschooling

                Why you Choose VCIS (now partnering with HG)?

                Five years ago I chose VCIS because I am part of Victory Church. VCIS home study program is structured and that works for me. I like how they have an online grading system that helps me keep track the grades of my sons.

                Ma. Kathleene Amurao 

                Husband: Roy Amurao

                Kids: Lukas (7 years old, Grade 2), Luis (5 years old, Kinder), an Emma

                Why did you choose HG?

                We chose HG as our provider as we have developed a good dynamic with our advisor who was patient and addressed our concerns. Their trainings were also beneficial for us as we did our homeschool.


                International British Academy (IBA) - School started in 2012

                Grade level offered: Kinder to Grade 6

                Enrollment Duration: All year round

                School Calendar: Regular Academic Program follows the June to March as per DepEd. 

                Curriculum: Open Curriculum British and Singapore based curriculum

                Assessment: Diagnostic test and year end test  

                MAPE Classes: They offer regular clubs and do immersion activities

                Homeschool fee:   P20,000 + Php 5,000 one-time registration fee. A 50% sibling discount is offered.

                Trainings: They offer Seminars.

                Address: Km. 25 General Emilio Aguinaldo Highway, Anabu II-D, Imus, Cavite

                Contact Numbers: (0917) 870-5050, (046) 471-5922 loc. 205



                Kairos Homeschool Academy - Founded in 2016

                Grade level offered: Nursery to Grade 3

                Enrollment Duration: April to June

                School Calendar: Regular Academic Program follows the June to March as per DepEd. 

                Curriculum: Customized curriculum by the school

                Assessment type: Diagnostic tests and quarterly tests

                MAPE Classes:They offer one to two per quarter classes

                Homeschool fee: Ranging from P40,000 to 50,000 including books

                Trainings: They offer Training Sessions

                Requirements: NSO Birth Certificate Form 137, LRN, recommendation from Pastor or Adviser, At least one parent should be a college graduate

                Contact Numbers: 448-2504/(0917) 694 6477

                Address: Room 201, United Evangelical Church of Malabon 45 Gov. Pascual Ave. Potrero, Malabon City 1475



                Kids World Integrated School,Inc. Home Education - Is an equal opportunity institution. They offer home Education, Home Study, SPED, and E-learning. They also have special courses like integrated Philippine History through Culture and Arts and interactive Filipino with Baybayin.

                  Grade level offered: Kinder to Grade 10

                  Enrollment Duration: All year round

                  School Calendar: Regular Academic Program follows the June to March as per DepEd. 

                  Curriculum: Open Curriculum aligned to DepEd K-12 Learning competencies

                  Assessment type - They do Center Education Measurement (C.E.M.) tests

                  MAPE Classes - They offer P800 per visit every Friday offering Arnis, Gymnastics, Swimming, Arts and Crafts

                  Homeschool fee: P500 for application,  K-G6 P22,000/ G7-G10 P27,000 without books

                  Trainings - They have Seminars and Orientation

                  Requirements: Report Card, Birth Certificate, LRN, 2 recent 1x1 pictures of the child

                  Contact  Numbers : 726-6563/975-4676

                  Address: Johnson Street, Greenhills North, San Juan


                  VOICE OF A HOMESCHOOLER (For Kids World)


                  Mrs. JC has been a homeschooling mom for 3 years and is currently still teaching her kids ages 8 and 5 years old.

                  Why did you choose Kids World?

                  We originally came from another provider for two years. But quarterly portfolio review is a bit overwhelming. I don’t think it’s the provider’s fault but mine. We transferred because I was hoping for more “freedom” in terms of subjects and material to take (open curriculum) and there’s no portfolio review (you email a portfolio, but no more quarterly child interview). This is great but I realized we’re still quite tied up to DepEd standards. Because Kids World will assess you on the end of the year-with a diagnostic test. So it’s still important to cover DepEd material… it’s  not as completely free as I thought it would be.

                  Kolbe Academy - Kolbe Academy Home School became an outgrowth of the day school in 1989 when parents who lived too far away to commute asked for our help with home schooling their children. In loyalty to the Magisterium, guided by the Ignatian principles of education, under the principle of subsidiarity, the mission of Kolbe Academy is to assist the home educator in forming classically educated young men and women according to the unbroken tradition and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. California Based curriculum. 

                    Grade level offered: Kinder to Grade 12

                    Enrollment Duration: Enrollment for new students opens March 19, 2018.

                    School Calendar: All year round


                    Offers Traditional Homeschooling: Offers everything you need to home educate, such as textbooks, course plans, tests, and grading services.

                    Self-Paced Courses:  Students watch pre-recorded video classes and follow our online course plans to master each subject at their own pace.

                    Online Courses: Students learn in a virtual classroom among peers with a live instructor who facilitates discussion, lectures, and grades the coursework.

                    Assessment type: They give standardized testing to aid in evaluating student progress.

                    MAPE Classes: None

                    Homeschool fee: The eldest (if in high school) will pay $349/year and additional student if in grades 6-8 would pay $289. It gets lower as they get younger.

                    Trainings: None


                    Voice of a Homeschooler (for Kolbe)

                    Sigrid Gregoire de Marie S. Perez 

                    Husband: Paul Perez

                    Kids: Anya (17 years old, Grade 9), Sabin (14 years old, Grade 7), Santi (12 years old, Grade 6), Rocio (11 years old, Grade 4), and Amaya (10 years old, Grade 3) 

                    Homeschooling for 3 years, only homeschooling  5 of 8 kids.

                    Why did you choose Kolbe Academy?

                    It was first introduced to me back around 2006 when I decided to homeschool my first three kids because my son (second child) was diagnosed with cancer which meant I had to pull him out of preschool then. I wanted a curriculum that had a Catholic viewpoint incorporated. Furthermore, since I had other friends then who were with Kolbe, I felt I could always ask them for help or advise. Later on, I then came to know about other friends who were also Kolbe. Faith for us was a very important component in our homeschooling. I saw that in Kolbe's thrust and vision in their curriculum, hence I decided to go for it. The books they had used in their brick and mortar schools were similar to the books Kolbe had so I felt I was on the right track in choosing Kolbe.

                    Living Learning Homeschool (LLH) is a homeschool provider established by Our Living Learning, a homeschool support resource dedicated to serve and equip homeschoolers using the Charlotte Mason Method in the Philippines.

                    Living Learning Homeschool provides DEPED accreditation and homeschool accountability for homeschooling families using the Charlotte Mason Method through their partner school,

                    The Master’s School (formerly Muntinlupa School for Child Development).

                    Our objective is to support and equip families in their homeschool journey of Living Learning.

                    Grade Level offered: Kindergarten to Grade 10

                    School Calendar: July - April

                    Curriculum: Open curriculum following the Charlotte Mason Method of learning.

                    Assessment Type:
                    - Charlotte Mason method of examinations conducted by parent educator.
                    - Online Portfolio Submission.

                    Homeschool Additional Support:

                    • CM Special Needs Support and Consultation
                    • CM Living Book recommendations

                    -  Group Recitation Gala

                    -  Group Portfolio Celebrations

                    -  Charlotte Mason Parent Trainings

                    -  Charlotte Mason Evaluation Support and Grading System

                    -  Guided Memory Work, Art Appreciation, and Composer Study lessons for LLH Family Clusters.

                    Homeschool Fee:
                    Kinder - 17,500, Gradeschool - 19,500 Highschool - 21,500.00

                    *Sibling discounts available.
                    *No additional fee for children with special needs.

                    Requirements needed to enroll: 

                    -  Accomplished Online Registration Form

                    • Authenticated Birth Certificate
                    • Form 138 (Report Card) from previous school
                    • 2x2 ID Pictur

                    - For children with special needs:

                    • Most recent Diagnosis Report 
                    • Therapy reports, if available (Speech, OT, ABA, Sped tutorials)
                    •  IEP, if available

                    - For Independent Homeschoolers: Validating Test Result (PEPT)

                    - Settled Enrolment Fees (corresponding to chosen mode of payment)

                    Address: 18C Libra St. Cinco Hermanos, Marikina City




                    Voice of a Homeschooler:

                    Patag Family 

                    Living Learning Homeschool (LLH) allowed me to look beyond worksheets and textbooks and to find delight in teaching my children using living books. And this, for me, is the main reason why we homeschool better now than the previous years. 

                    When I received the LLH Recommended Program, I immediately had an overview of how generous a feast of ideas my children will be exposed to. I knew right away that my children will have a grand time learning! The living books included in the recommendation were carefully selected and personally tried and tested by parents and children following the CM method not only here in the Philippines but also worldwide. And that gives me so much confidence when it comes to using the materials recommended by LLH. 

                    LLH also allowed us to experience the best portfolio presentation ever! Our recitation gala was wonderful and that’s a day we will never forget!

                     Charlotte Mason’s ideas are brilliant and at the same time, complex; and that is why I am thankful to LLH for helping me be comfortable with CM’s methods through the talks and classes they regularly provide through Our Living Learning.

                     LLH is not just a provider to us. Guide, philosopher, friend — this is how Living Learning Homeschool is to our family and perhaps it will remain that way for everyone of us who belong under its conduct and supervision.


                    Rafael Family 

                    We were first time homeschoolers looking for a provider with a strong support system and an institution that will guide us and journey along with us. 

                    Our son is now an incoming Y1 or Grade 1 student. We were satisfied with the quality of support LLH provided when he was still in Kindergarten, not just for our Kuya Elijah but also for us facilitators at home.

                     LLH provides classes for parents which equipped and enhanced our undertanding of the Charlotte Mason method -- delving in both the principles and practices that can be executed at home. 

                    LLH holds Recitation Gala twice a year where all students showcase their work. It is a celebration of each student; an opportunity to share what they have enjoyed learning and doing. 

                    These events also encouraged us parents as we gathered with the rest of the Charlotte Mason homeschool community.


                    Peniel Integrated Christian Academy - Homeschooling since year 2012. It is designed to provide an alternative delivery system of educating children who for some reason or under extreme circumstances cannot avail of the formal system of instruction in a regular school.

                      Grade level offered: Kinder to Grade 10

                      Enrollment Duration: Follows the DepEd Academic school calendar – start the school year by the month of June. Enrollment for the new school year starts from December and ends by July.

                      School Calendar: Regular Academic Program follows the June to March as per Deped. 

                      Curriculum: Open curriculum aligned to DepEd K-12 Learning Competencies: They encourage local textbooks with teacher’s guides aligned with DepEd’s minimum competencies. The parents are allowed to enhance the curricula by using their own preferred materials.

                      Assessment type: Diagnostic Test/Portfolio Submission/Written test, Enhance Tests and Performance Based tests 

                      MAPE Classes: They allow sit-in MAPE classes, Taekwondo, join School Activities and join Clubs free of charge

                      Homeschool fee: Kinder P15,500, Grade 1-6 P17,500 and Grade 7-10 P18,500. Books are not included.

                      Trainings: One on one orientation

                      Requirements: Report Card, LRN, Birth Certificate, 2 2x2 Picture, Parent Profile at least college Level

                       Address: 42 Burgos St., Vista Verde, Executive Village, Cainta, Rizal

                      Contact numbers: 682-7941; (0936) 182-1391


                      VOICE OF A HOMESCHOOLER (for Peniel Integrated)

                      Mariel Uyquiengco

                      Why did you choose Peniel?

                      They allow me to homeschool my children the way I want to, with the materials that I want to use. I value the freedom that I have in this setup, while still being in the DepEd's system.


                      Proverbs Ville Christian School - Davao-based Proverbs Ville Homeschool is open to accepting Manila-based enrollees and homeschoolers residing in other cities. If you are looking for a low cost provider that can provide academic and community support, as well as having the background and experience in handling gifted and special-needs children, Proverbs Ville may be a right fit for you. They are committed to help reduce dropouts and encourage pupils to continue their schooling at home if formal schooling is not possible because of special needs. PVCS believes that through this Alternative Delivery Modes, it could somehow contribute to the attainment of Education for All.

                        Grade level offered: Kinder to Grade 10

                        Enrollment Duration:

                        School Calendar: Regular Academic Program follows the June to March as per DepEd. 

                        Curriculum: Open Curriculum - Textbooks chosen for each subject are evaluated based on its compliance to K to 12 competencies.  Syllabi are provided to guide the parents how to cover the whole textbook and additional lessons to meet the K to 12 competencies. Textbook comes with portfolios for each topic that has the synthesis of the lesson and the teacher’s/parent’s guide on how to teach the particular lesson.

                        Assessment type: Administers diagnostic tests at the beginning and ending of the school year in order to determine the level of mastery and learning gaps in each core subjects based on the standard K to 12 competencies to help the student prepare for the next grade level. They  provide quizzes and quarterly exams to alleviate the work of the homeschooling parents/tutors. It will also serve as an assessment of the learner’s compliance and improvement to know how PVCS can help and guide the family.

                        MAPE Classes: March to June

                        Homeschool fee: Kinder P15,500, Grade 1-6 P17,400, Grade 7-10 P20,250, books not included

                        Trainings: Conducts training to parents and students at the beginning of the school year to introduce homeschooling as an alternative delivery mode of education, discuss its history, legalities, pros and cons, and train parent/guardians/tutors to homeschool the pupil using the textbooks, portfolios and other learning materials using K to 12 curriculum. They also offer Guidance, Counselling, Tutorial Services, and Virtual Assistance.

                        Requirements: Report card, transcript of records, NSO birth certificate, Signed enrolled forms and 2 copies of 1x1 ID, and 2 copies of 2x2 ID pictures

                        Address: Proverbs Ville Christian School of Antipolo – Owned by Valley of Hope

                        Contact Number : (082) 298-0323, 0922-8150016 to 17 |Email:

                        Address: Km. 7 McArthur Hway, Central Park Rd., Brgy. Talomo, Bangkal, Davao City Contact Number: (082) 298-0323/(0922)815-0016



                        Rizal Experimental Station of Pilot School and Cottage Industries (REPSCI) - Public Secondary Technical Vocational School

                          One of the Early Implementers of DepEd Senior High School Program

                          Grade level offered: Grades 1- 10

                          Enrollment Duration:  March to June

                          School Calendar: Regular Academic Program follows the June to March as per Deped. 

                          Curriculum: Home Study Program/Open High School

                          Assessment type: Module tests exam, depending on the pace of the student.

                          MAPE Classes: You can join some regular school activities

                          Home Study fee: Free!

                          Trainings: None

                          Requirements: Write a letter stating why you want to do home study, Form 138, Learner Reference Number (LRN)

                          Address: Jenny's Avenue, Maybunga 4056 Pasig

                          Contact Number: 643-6787/643-4495



                          My Short Experience (Nove)

                          30 years ago, I was enrolled in this school for Home Study because of my recurring sickness.This was the only school who offered Home Study at that time. I visited the school twice a week and did their required modules. I was able to join their extra curricular activities. I noticed there were a lot of local actors and actresses who attended the Home Study Program at that time. But, I didn't even get to stay for a year and was recommended for PEPT test. I remember I was turning 16 when I took these tests and didn’t know what to take in college when I passed. I have good memories of doing home study and now here we are choosing among a lot of available providers. Their program really works, especially if you find modules that work for you and your family. The great thing about it is it’s for free. I can attest to that because I’m a product of it.


                          School of Tomorrow Philippines - The official provider of the (ACE) Accelerated Christian Education curriculum in the country. This is a Christian homeschool using PACES of the School of Tomorrow USA.  They started in 1997.

                            Grade level offered: Kinder to Grade 10

                            Enrollment Duration: Anytime of the year

                            School Calendar: Depends on the pacing of the child

                            Curriculum: Materials that focuses on the child’s individual progress 

                            Assessment type: Diagnostic test/Each Module Final Tests, they also have validating tests which is the discretion of the assigned Advisor.

                            MAPE Classes: No MAPE

                            Homeschool fee: P20,000 and P10,000 for materials

                            Trainings: 2 day Orientation/Training

                            Requirements: Birth certificate, Report card and 1x1 picture

                            Contact Number :822-4433/822-9663

                            Address: MJS Avenue, Levitown Executive Village, Barangay Don Bosco, Parañaque City 1711



                            VOICE OF A HOMESCHOOLER (for School of Tomorrow)

                            Juvy Sy

                            Why did you choose SOT ?

                            Having many kids of different grade levels, I found SOT’s curriculum to be very helpful for our family. SOT’s PACES is organized and keeps us on track. My kids love all the subjects. Exams and quizzes are provided so I don’t need to provide them myself. Even when I am not home, they can answer their booklets independently. The best thing is it is very affordable. This may be just me but I feel that there are some information gaps in the Filipino PACE, which I end up having to fill in. But on the other hand, I have gained more confidence in teaching Filipino because of this.

                            Donna Tan

                            Homeschooled her kids using PACE for 1 year and a half.

                            Husband: Jason Richard Tan (author, Man Up)

                            Children: Joshua (17 years old, Grade 11) and Elisha (12 years old, Grade 6).

                            When my kids were 5 years old and 18 months, respectively, we moved to the US for my husband’s PhD studies. I wasn’t sure we could enroll them in the local school there, so I enrolled my son in SOT with plans to homeschool for our whole stay there. I like how the PACE mixes visual, auditory, and kinesthetic in their lessons. My son’s favorite was learning the ABC’s with Ace and Christy in songs. I also love the quality of the colored workbooks (although not all books were colored). Josh eventually got to go to the district school (Grades 1 to 5), and didn’t need homeschool anymore but I still finished the curriculum for that school year. After that, I continued with only the Filipino and Araling Panlipunan lessons to make sure he was familiar with our Filipino language, heritage, and history. As soon as my daughter showed interest, which was around 3 years old, I began her with the ABC’s, using the same material that Josh used (Josh used pencil to fill in the workbook answers. It was his preference, but it turned out well because I just erased his answers so Elisha could use the workbook. Recycle, galore!) until she too went to attend the district school (Kinder to Grade 1). We submitted their final exams via email. I liked that it was very affordable too.

                            Sts. Paul & Mark School Inc.

                            Pre-elementary Government Recognition                   K-013 s. 2011

                            Special Education Government Recognition               SpEd-002 s. 2011

                            Renewal Grade 1-6 Government Permit                       E- 1243 s. 2019

                            SPMS has also complied with DepEd Homeschool Requirements based on 

                            Dep Ed Order 21 s. 2019. Attached is a photo of the receiving copy of the documents that we submitted to Dep Ed.

                            Address : B1 L3 Panorama Ville Dita, Sta. Rosa city, Laguna

                            Contact number : 0922-949-1804

                            Website : none                                            Fb Page  : Sts. Paul and Mark School

                            How many years of operation: 13 years as a Dep Ed accredited school;

                                                                                  2 years as a homeschool provider

                            Grade level offered : Pre-elementary, Special Education, Elementary

                            Enrollment Duration : April - October

                            School Calendar : June - March

                            Curriculum:  K to 12 curriculum  with enhancement

                            Assestment type: Quarterly Tests, Performance Tasks

                            Homeschool  fee :  Annual  Fee ranges from  P17,500 to P25,000 depending on the grade level

                            Requirements  needed to enroll :

                            1. a) Interview with the parent and child personally or via video call
                            2. b) Grade report card from previous school, with Learner Reference  Number ( for elem pupils only).
                            3. c) 1 copy 2 x2 photo
                            4. d) Filled  out enrollment form and photocopy of birth certificate
                            5. e) Initial payment as reflected in the schedule of fees         


                             The Learning Place

                            DEPED  Recognition School ID No. 424555

                            Address : 10966 Jose R. Velasco Avenue, Kanluran Road, Faculty Hills, University of the Philippines , Los Banos, Laguna

                            Contact number : 0917 712 3516; 0922 83 7100; (049)536 8316

                            Website :; Los Banos; Moms Hub

                            How many years of operation:  20 years

                            Grade level offered:  we offer both regular and homeschool (K-12)

                            Enrollment Duration:   year round enrollment ( 10 months for one school year)

                            School Calendar :  for regular school : Aug to June;  Homeschool is year round : January to December


                            VICTORIOUS HOMESCHOOL

                            Addresses: (1) Villa San Mateo 1, Guitnang Bayan 1, San Mateo, Rizal

                                               (2) 20 Houston St., Rancho Estate III, Marikina City

                                               (3) Camella Drive, Colmar Homes, Domoit, Lucena

                            Contact numbers: 0922-884-0090, 02-8952-5628, 0917-895-3226


                            Years of operation: VCLA (10 Years)

                            Grade levels offered: K-Grade10

                            Enrollment Duration: March-November

                            School Calendar: March, June, September Cycles

                            Curriculum: K-12-aligned, open curriculum, curated learning resources

                            Assessment type: Consultancy/Interview, Printable Tests (Optional and Variable)

                            Homeschool accreditation fee: 15,000/School Year

                            Requirements needed to enroll:  KINDERGARTEN Birth Certificate

                                                                                GRADE 1 Kindergarten Certificate of Completion, Birth Certificate, Progress Report                                                                                                                                          GRADE 2-10 Birth Certificate, SF 9 (Form 138) Report Card or PEPT Certificate of Rating



                            Living Pupil Homeschool Solutions

                            Address: San Agustin Village, Tugas, Inayawan, Cebu

                            Contact number: 09064347615

                            How many years of operation: 2 years

                            Grade level offered: Pre school to high school

                            Enrollment Schedule: open year round

                            Curriculum: Dep-Ed aligned and open curriculum (Charlotte Mason)

                            Assestment type: Quarterly and evaluation upon end of the school year

                            Homeschool accreditatiom fee: 18,000++

                            Requirements needed to enroll: Report card, birth certificate, 2x2 ID picture

                            FMS Homeschool

                             Address: 44 Canlaon St. Amityville Subd. Rodriguez Rizal

                             Contact number 0919 0079415

                             How many years of operation: 1

                             Grade level offered Preschool to grade 10

                             School Calendar  June to March; July to April; August to May

                             Curriculum: DepEd Curriculum and Ecclectic Curriculum

                             Assestment type: Written and Performance

                             Requirements needed to enroll  Birth Certificate; SF 9

                            Hillcrest School (School ID:  492892)
                            Hillcrest School offers formal education: kindergarten to senior high school.  We're recognised by the government and a PEAC (Private Education Assistance Committee, a sole trustee of the FAPE or Fund for Assistance to Private Education).  As a response to the challenges of the pandemic, for school year 2020-2021, we're adopting home-based learning as our main alternative learning modality as indicated in our Learning Continuity Plan to be submitted to the DepEd on Friday.  We have entered into a partnership with Victorious Homeschooling - which already has a steady system of delivery for the past ten years.

                            Address:  COGEO Village, Antipolo City

                            Contact Number:  (02) 7587-3203

                            Years of Operation: 25 years (1995)

                            Levels:  Kindergarten to Senior High School (Tracks:  1. Academics - GAS and ABM; 2. TVL - Home Economics and ICT)

                            Enrollment:  On-going

                            School Calendar:  July 24 - March 30. (R.A. 7797)

                            Curriculum:  MELC (Most Essential Learning Competencies) Download Curriculum here.

                            Assessment Type: Parents-handled (Gradesheet templates are given.)

                            School Fee:  P15,000/school year

                            Centris Education Group

                            Address: 3005 Lancaster Hotel, Shaw Blvd. Mandaluyong City
                            Hubs: Laguna, Cubao and Pampanga

                            Contact No.:
                            +63 966 250 6848 (Globe)
                            +63 998 551 8300 (Smart)

                            Email Address:


                            Years of Operation: Homeschool program started since 1984

                            Grade Level Offered: Kinder to Grade 10

                            Enrollment Duration: April — May: June Cycle
                            July — August: September Cycle

                            School Calendar: Available upon admission

                            Curriculum: Flexible

                            Assessment Type: Quarterly Learning Milestones, Screening Test and Year End Test

                            Homeschool Accreditation Fee: 18k — 36k

                            Requirements Needed to Enroll:
                            Completely filled-out Admission Form
                            Signed Terms and Conditions
                            2 pcs. passport size photo (white background) Copy of Birth Certificate
                            Copy of Report Card
                            Copy of ID (Child/Children and Parents)
                            Copy of Diploma (Parent/Guardian)

                            Montessori at Work, Inc.

                            DepEd Partner School          My Kids World Laboratory School, Inc.

                            Partner’s School ID No.       484531

                            School Address         Home School Office   :  Octagon Village, Dela Paz, Pasig

                            Contact Number       0917 326 9740

                            Contact Person         Tch. Rose Baylon

                            FB Page          Montessori at Work

                            Years of Operation   11 years

                            Grade level offered 

                            Complete Preschool

                            • Nursery
                            • Kinder 1
                            • Kinder 2

                            Complete Elementary

                            • Grades 1 to 6

                            Enrollment Period     January to September

                            Reservation Period   Anytime of the year

                            School Calendar        August 2020 to May 2021 (follows DepEd school calendar)

                            Curriculum     K-12 approved curriculum

                            Materials Used          Montessori Drill Sheets

                            Assessment Methods          

                            • Quarterly Written Exams
                            • Quarterly Performance Task Report
                            • Year-End Portfolio

                            Annual Homeschool Fees    Accreditation only  -  P10,000.00

                            • Parent’s design flexible educational learning program fitted to their child’s needs
                            • Option to choose and select homeschool materials from suggested book publishers
                            • Essential Parent’s support to ensure learning progress
                            • Open to all levels
                            • No customized curriculum / Open curriculum
                            • No modules
                            • Parents’ design quarterly exams
                            • Quarterly Portfolio Report for assessment
                            • Year-end Performance Task Portfolio


                            Modular Learning -  Preschool (P29,500.00);  Grades 1 to 3 (P31,500.00); Grades 4-6 (P33,000.00)

                            • Open to all levels
                            • God-centered and fun education
                            • Montessori curriculum
                            • Weekly scheduled learning modules
                            • Master lessons through bite-sized paper based drill sheets
                            • Offline skills mastery
                            • Independence builds disciple and study habits
                            • Home-based experiential learning with home based activities
                            • Online or phone consultation
                            • Forum for Parents
                            • Quarterly Written Exams
                            • Year-end Portfolio
                            • Not gadget and internet based learning


                            Enrollment Requirements   

                            • NSO Authenticated Birth Certificate
                            • Duly Accomplished Online Registration Form
                            • Report Card/Form 137 (for Grade 1 to 6 applicants only)
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